mapleMaker Mini V2 Build Log 12

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This post originally appeared on, you may read the original post here.

The printer is starting to print really well right now, I’ve probably printed about 20-30 hours total on it so far, and so far, the quality and reliability has been quite well. In the time between prints, I’ve been working on the guide, which has progressed quite well, along with printing the parts for the final revision. The colour scheme of the final revision is the customers choice, although its a bit bright for my liking haha!

The final revision has a number of small tweaks to the design, small improvements to the rigidity, and some new additions such as a much improved spool holder, as well as an enlarged build volume of 8″ x 6″ x 6″.

I’m hoping that the guide will be mostly complete this week. It sits currently at just under 100 pages, but will probably surpass that after I add in wiring diagrams and other small details. As always, all of the design files, guides, and other info will be open source and freely available!

